Friday, August 17, 2012

Everything was how it should be.

As our family grew tighter, Lindas time with the twins diminished. I'm not exactly sure of when it started but Linda became increasingly demanding. Telling me that she will have my children over a certain weekend. When I had to deny her, I would get threating text messages and police visits. Coincidence? No. On April 30 2010, I recieved a text asking to have just the twins for the weekend as my step-father would be home. We had nothing planned for the weekend so I agreed and called her to lay down the arrangements. She could pick them up from school and needed to be home by 10 on the sunday for our regular trip to the beach as a family. I was at work and recieved a message from Val saying the girls were scared and did not want to go with thier nanna. Being at work I didnt notice it until I had finished and Linda had already taken the twins. I drove over to Valories work to pick her up and was greeted by police officers. The had been informed that my car was stolen and I had been involved in trafficing drugs with the vehicle and with children in the car. My partner had to endure the embarasment of her mans car being stripped, seats and all, in front of her boss and collegues.
Although all allegations were proven false and nothing found, my car was unroad worthy and towed away. No one ever looked at me the same. The police were apologetic and told me who called it in. Linda.
I called Linda immediately to ask her where she was but she wouldnt answer my calls or reply to my text messages. So we drove to her house but no one was there, the dogs were gone too, suggesting they were not coming back for a coulle of days. This is when it dawned on me. SHE HAD STOLEN MY CHILDREN!
Police couldn't find her for 2 days and when they did, my girls weren't with her. It took another 3 days before the police threatened to charge the twins mother if she didnt contact me regarding the children. It would be 10 days before I would get to talk to them again. 4 weeks till I got to see them. The entire time Linda and a couple of her friends attacked me in every direction, not directly though. I had police stopping me everyday asking for i.d. and making me turn out my pockets. They were pullin my partner over everyday for a 'random' breathe test and license check. Child Safety were calling our work places investigating us for reasons unknown still and the states mental health department turning up at my door trying to tell me I was delusional.
Valorie got scared and paniced, her career and children were in danger from Linda. She couldn't risk it and left me. She did everything she could to help me through the court preceedings and was a constant shoulder to cry on. She is the only reason I didn't succeed in suicide. 
I sold everything I owned, to pay for court. The stress started affecting my work and I lost that too. Then I lost custody of the girls and everything else piled up. Unpaid bills, child support agency and the police still harrassing me but by phone call at that time as I was too scared to leave the house. I started drinking in the mornings to help get through the day and then a bit more to sleep at night. By the time I thought it was a problem 3 months had past and I was drinking 2 bottles of scotch and a dozen cans  of whatever alcohol for lunch and dinner. Everything I strived for, every reason why I existed was stripped from me and by Setember 2010 I was but a shell of the man I was, a pathetic sight.

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